Certified natural cosmetics

Natural cosmetics — Better for skin and environment?

What is the difference between certified natural cosmetics and conventional cosmetics? Is natural cosmetics better for the skin? The most important facts at a glance.

The skin is our largest organ and a very complex system. It functions as a communication system, a barrier, and a protective shield to the outside world. Therefore, we should care for, protect, and strengthen it with valuable ingredients.

Countless products advertise to care for and protect our skin in the best possible way. A rough distinction is made between conventional cosmetics and natural cosmetics – in between, innumerable terms such as “vegan”, “animal-free”, “organic cosmetics”, “biodynamic”, “green”, “clean” and “natural” are thrown around. But how can I be sure in the greenwashing jungle that it is natural cosmetics?

What means “natural cosmetics” and what labels exist?

Natural cosmetics and organic cosmetics are not legally protected terms, which is why supposedly “natural” and “sustainable” products do not always deliver what they promise. In genuine natural cosmetics, oils, fats, waxes, colorants, and fragrances are only obtained from vegetable, mineral, and sometimes animal raw materials such as beeswax. Paraffins, silicones, synthetic dyes, and fragrances are prohibited, as is animal testing. There are numerous certifications to help recognize genuine natural cosmetics. Reliable labels are, for example, ICEA, BDIH, EcoCert, NaTrue, Demeter or COSMOS.

Gesichtspflege mit natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen

Advantages of natural cosmetics — for the skin and environment

We become more and more aware that the origin of the food plays an essential role. But as our skin can directly absorb up to 60% of what we apply to it, we should also care for it with natural ingredients. And so the number of people turning to natural cosmetics is growing.


Better for your skin.

Natural cosmetics aim to strengthen the skin’s independence. It brings balance to the imbalance that can be caused by external stimuli. The ingredients aim to stimulate the skin’s natural functions and support it in its self-regulation. The transparent specifications of the natural cosmetics seal also make it possible to trace the ingredients precisely.

Conventional cosmetics take a different approach: “fillers” like silicones only imitate the natural skin functions and do not support them. Incidentally, this also has the effect that conventional cosmetics seem to work faster. In reality, however, skin problems are only covered up.


Better for the environment.

Usually, the raw materials used in natural cosmetics are renewable, produced sustainably, and often from controlled organic cultivation. Certified natural cosmetics do not contain any raw materials from dead animals and do not conduct animal testing. Unlike conventional cosmetics, natural cosmetics do not have any petroleum-based ingredients that can get into the drinking water and thus harm the environment.

Why do natural cosmetics cost more than conventional cosmetics?

Natural cosmetics contain valuable oils and plant extracts requiring more elaborate production than cheap silicone oils and synthetically produced functional ingredients.
Natural cosmetics are usually the better alternative: for the skin, the environment, and the wallet.

Since there are also differences in the high quality of the oils (for example, cold-pressed or refined oils), some natural cosmetic brands seem more expensive than conventional brands. In fact, natural cosmetics are often even cheaper than ordinary cosmetics. Only they are usually compared to drugstore products. Suppose you include the prices of the big cosmetic brands and compare the ingredients. In that case, natural cosmetics are generally the better alternative: not only for the skin and the environment but also for your wallet.

Naturkosmetik mit wertvollen Inhaltsstoffen

Natural cosmetics of TEAM DR JOSEPH

In our certified organic natural cosmetics, we combine our many years of experience using highly effective, natural raw materials and the latest technologies in harmony with nature and its resources. We want your skin and our environment to be protected and cared for most gently. That is why we use high-quality botanicals of the finest organic quality and prefer plants from wild collections and organic cultivation. Using ingredients from organic cultivation, we can mostly avoid residues of pesticides, unnecessary chemicals, and fertilizer. Through gentle extraction processes and state-of-the-art technologies, we make the plant’s effective components usable for people and their skin — for a healthy and radiant skin.