Knowledge Treasures
Myth: Skincare in the evening
Many myths surround the time of darkness between evening and morning. And so it is also the case in skincare. While the majority of the cosmetics industry has conspired on rich and occlusive night creams, our products aim to support the natural rhythm of the skin.
What happens to our skin while we are sleeping?
Sleep is a very complex interaction of vital bodily functions, without which we cannot survive. During sleep, the self-healing powers and repair mechanisms are activated, which are essential for the health of body and mind. Our body cleans up and eliminates unwanted toxins that have accumulated during the day. The detoxification organ skin plays a fundamental function here.
The skin as detoxification organ
As our largest sensory organ, our skin also fulfills essential metabolic functions. Along with the liver, kidneys and intestines, it is one of the most important organs for the body’s own detoxification. This process occurs primarily at night while we are deeply immersed in beauty sleep.
At night, our skin is protected from all environmental stresses and can therefore work best. The skin opens up and cleanses itself from the inside out. Cell cleansing is stimulated and toxins that impair cell function are excreted primarily through sweat. In addition, growth hormones are increasingly released, which support the physical regeneration and cell division and lead to the renewal of the skin layers.
Light textures support the skin’s rhythm.
When we close our skin at night with rich and occlusive textures, we hinder and slow down its natural elimination and regeneration process. Use light textures or natural oils for night care – these do not clog the pores and optimally support the skin in its natural, nightly detoxification process and also supply it with important nutrients. A peeling in the evening can additionally improve the skin’s elimination functions. It frees the skin from dead skin cells and thus facilitates the elimination of unnecessary metabolic products through the skin.
*So in the evening, rather go for light textures such as serums or vegetable oils, which do not prevent the skin from excretion and detoxification, but still supply it with important nutrients.
€4,830.00 / 1 l
€4,496.67 / 1 l
2 min